Important note: If you downloaded these plug-ins prior to August 25, 2020 please throw away the old plug-ins and replace them with fresh, new, less buggy versions.
Quick Draw Download Quick Bathtub Plug-in Download Quick Shower Plug-in Download Quick Toilet Plug-in Download Quick Lav Sink Plug-in Download Quick Kitchen Sink Plug-in
This is a collection of easy-to-use plumbing tools that are an alternative to symbols or the native plumbing tools. I made them for my own work; if you find them helpful, you are welcome to them. And there are a few more I’m trying to make presentable.
Someday I might try to make these more powerful. If you have insights on how they could work better for you, let me know.
QD Bathtub: It’s best if you are in the 2nd mode in the mode bar. Click to set the back corner of the tub, click again to set the front corner and click a third time to set the width of the tub.
Cool things: The tub will have handles to resize! There are options to turn on a faucet, valve, shower head, etc and controls for the offset and height of each. No symbols required. NO MESH OBJECTS.
QD Shower: It’s best if you are in the 2nd mode in the mode bar. Click to set the back corner of the shower, click again to set the front corner and click a third time to set the width of the shower.
Cool things: The shower will have handles to resize! There are options to turn on a valve and shower head, and controls for the offset and height of each. There are options for round and rectangular drains that can be offset from the center, an option to display an ADA radius, and an option to display the area of the shower. No symbols required. NO MESH OBJECTS.
QD Toilet: Just click to set location and click again set the rotation.
Cool things: There is an option to display the clearance in front of the toilet. No symbols required. NO MESH OBJECTS.
QD Lav Sink: Just click to set location and click again set the rotation.
Cool things: The sink has handles to resize! There is an option to display a faucet. Parametric countertop height. No symbols required. NO MESH OBJECTS.
QD Kitchen Sink: Just click to set the location and click again to set the rotation.

QD Shower

QD Toilet

QD Bathtub

Quick Draw Tools: Bathtub, Shower, Toilet